How do I get into top MBA programmes?

How to get into top MBA programmes

Considering an MBA? How to get into dream business schools? The most competitive MBA programmes can attract thousands of applicants. Around 90 percent of applicants to places like Harvard Business School, Stanford GSB, Upenn Wharton and others will not achieve their dream offer. Why? And how can you boost your chances of admission to top MBA programmes and business schools?

How do I apply to top MBA programmes?

Exciting that you want to study for an MBA. We’ll guide you through some information on the top UK MBA programmes, top US MBA programmes and top European MBA programmes - and tell you more about our award-winning MBA consultancy to support you with admission to your dream business school.

Which are the best business schools/top MBA programmes?

Here are the top 15 business schools globally for 2024: Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB), UPenn Wharton, Harvard Business Schools (HBS), London Business School (LBS), HEC Paris, MIT Sloan, Columbia Business School, IE Business School, Cambridge Judge, IESE Business School, INSEAD, Northwestern Kellog, UC Berkeley Haas, Chicago Booth, UCLA Anderson (according to QS).

How do I get into top business schools/MBA programmes?

Applying to MBA programmes is a long journey with many steps. You’ll start with researching a list of target schools, work to ace your GMAT, conduct thorough research on each of your schools, address gaps in your application and proactively strengthen your profile, secure outstanding references, prepare to crack MBA interviews and post-interview reflection exercises, ensure that your CV is stellar and that your essays and activities lists are perfectly tailored. Finesse your early application strategy. Identify which schools you will be a truly good fit for and which schools will be a good fit for you.

But none of this is enough. Gaining admission is not a checklist process. You must bring your talents, character and uniqueness to life to differentiate yourself from the sea of other candidates. Ensure that the human shines through to MBA admissions committees who can be reading thousands of applications. Get into the mindset of admissions committees. Approach the process authentically. Take the time to start early and deeply reflect on your narrative, on your career so far and and your career afterwards. What are the deeper themes, goals and motivations behind your work and life? Why do you want to pursue a particular career? Why an MBA now? How have you been shaped and by what experiences? What really motivates you? Ponder these kinds of deeper questions, rather than what you think admissions departments will want to read.

How can I find the best MBA admissions consultants and business school admissions consultants?

The best MBA admissions consultants are much more than advisors - they’re business experts and powerful storytellers, who will help you find the unique points in your own story and demonstrate your skills, talents and ambitions.  In short, they’ll work with you to make your MBA application stand out and mentor you to achieve your MBA dreams.

J&J Education’s award-winning MBA admissions consultants will guide you through the MBA applications journey and support you with all aspects of MBA applications. We’ve recruited the world’s top MBA consultants - graduates of HBS, Stanford GSB, Yale SOM, Imperial, Cambridge and many more, with extensive industry experience and are passionate about guiding you into your dream MBA programme. We’ve worked with hundreds of students happily studying at top programmes around the world. To find out more, reach out to us here today.

How can J&J Education’s MBA consultants help me get into my dream business school?

Our consultants have worked with hundreds of candidates like you. They’ll take you on a journey to understand your career and life, work systematically through the application process, mentor you and show you how to stand out.  How to portray your story and how to bring your character to life. How to sift through years of education, professional and life experience to bring out the major themes. The themes that will demonstrate who you are and how you’re different. We’ll show you how to maximize your chances to enter your dream MBA. Getting into a top business school can change your career and life trajectory. Don’t leave this important journey to chance!

What GMAT  score do I need to get in top business schools?

Here is a sample of average for some top business schools.

  • The average GMAT score for Harvard Business School (HBS) is 730 and the average GRE score for Harvard Business School is 326. 

  • The average GMAT score for UPenn Wharton is 728 and the average GRE score for Wharton is 162 in quantitative and 162 in verbal. 

  • The average GMAT score for London Business School is around 700 and LBS preferred GRE scores are above 160 in quantitative and verbal. 

  • The average GMAT score for Columbia Business School is around 740 and the average GRE score for Columbia Business School is 168 in quantitative and 162 in verbal.

When should I apply to MBA programmes?

MBA application deadlines differ for each business. Round 1 MBA applications in the US are usually around September, with notification by December and round two by January, with notification by March. Some MBA schools, such as Stanford GSB, UChicago Booth, Yale SOM, have further rounds; third round dates usually require applications by April, with notification by May. Insead have application rounds in September, November, January and March. Our specialist MBA consultants will work with you to build a personalised timeline and give advice on which business schools to apply to when in order to increase your chances.

Our trusted MBA admissions consultants will guide you to the college of your dreams


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